美国老夏在湖南丨历史与现代的完美融合,就在湘潭这座“万楼” 新动态
2023-04-03 17:46:45来源:红网


Editor notes:The increasing number of people, not only domestic tourists but also foreigners from other countries, has been attracted by Hunan’s charming naturalscenery, delicious local snacks, special night market, countless internet-famous sites, a time-honored history and rich culture. Denis, who comes from America, is one of them. He came here about five years ago and decided to stay here for a while. He wants to share everything which he experienced in hunan and also provides a new way for us to know our hometown.

红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 实习生 樊令钰 湘潭报道



Wanlou, also known as Wenchang Pavilion orWenqi Tower, was built in 1615. Ithas a history of nearly 400 years. Over the past 400 years, it has undergone five renovations.Wanlou witnessed the ups and downs of Xiangtan"s history in the past four centuries.


Recently, Wanlouturned into a gorgeous style, and completed the sixth renovation with the expectation of people. Besidesthehistorical heritage,more fashion elements have been incorporated.Denis, who comes from America, decides to take a look atthis charming place.


On March,Wanlou Youth Pier which combineshistory and modernityopened in Xiangtan with alltheexpectations. In addition to the integration of culture and technologyproducts such as the "18 Streets with 1,000 years"in the main building, night markets such as containers and wagonsare also arranged in the square in front of Wanlou. There is the largest Ferris wheel in Hunan provincecalled The Xiangtan Eye. Within 10 days after the opening of the market, the number of tourists exceeded 300,000, and more than 70 merchants entered. In only half a year, China"s largest "container market" has sprouted upnext toWanlou.


Before leaving,Denis said with great interest that he would not miss the magic performance at Wanlou Youth Pier in Xiangtan.


When he actuallyarrived at Wanlou Youth Pier, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the charm here was far more than a magic show. This place isfull of Chinese-style "magic" that he hasnever seen before.


Three-body flywheel,Throwing Axe and Whipping, Sichuan opera face-changing show, and Wanationality"s Fire-breathing show were staged in turn. There are vintage trolley cars shuttling through the marketplace, and also Naked-eye 3D LED Display heaving into sight.


658 containers painted in red, yellow, blue and other colors spread all over the market, and activities such as colorful smoke bombs, drone shows, light shows, cosplay by NPC such as clowns and robots, and small-scalelive music have integrated the supertrendyplay.Denis exclaimed, "This city is revitalizing!" .


Wanlou Youth Pier attracts tourists from all over the world, and Denis, a social butterfly, chats with them passionately. Looking at the crowded streets and neon-lit containers, Denis said, "What I like best about China is that, in addition to holding activities for youths, Chinese will try to combine what youngsters like with traditional history and culture."


"The more thriving Wanlou is, the more flourishing Xiangtan will be". With its majestic momentum and profound and dignified cultural accumulation, Wanlou has become a symbol of the prosperity of Xiangtan and the spiritof Xiangtan people.


Would you like such a place that combines youth culture, science and technology with traditional culture?




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